Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ok so Ive decided to do a My Favorite Things list....most of this list is beauty stuff. Im addicted to make up and hair products, so needless to say-this list was HARD for me. But these are all my faves that I cant live without!!

My Chi!

I love this thing! My hairdresser swears by this thing, and now I do too! Tim got me one for my birthday last year and I have to say its my all time favorite B-Day gift!

Bath & Body Work Liplicious Lip Gloss

I have to say that I use this waaay too much. I am constantly applying this stuff. I like it because its not sticky and does not feel gunky on your lips! Its light weight and smells great! My top 2 favorite kinds are the Grape Soda and Daquari.

Mary Kay Velocity Light Weight Moisturizer

All I can really say is that this is a MUST have for girls that have dry "patches" on their skin. I use it at night and in the morning. The name of it doesn't lie-it really is light weight. I cannot stand to feel that I have tons of gunk on my face.....this suits me well!! Oh, and if ya need a Mary Kay lady, I know one REALLY well!!! ;) Just let me know!!

Maybeline Great Lash Mascara

What girl does not love this stuff?!?! Its been the top selling mascara for like FOREVER!! I love it and use Very Black.

Suave Healthy Curls Mousse

After having my oldest son I suddenly had some curls, which I had never had before. My cousin told me about this Mousse and so I gave it a whirl. I loved it right off. It smells great, isn't sticky and does not make your hair stiff.

Bath & Body Works Pear Blossom
Last but CERTAINLY not least. This is my ALL TIME FAVE from B&B! The discontinued it a couple of years ago, but always bring it back at the Semi Annual sale. I stock it up!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Moving Right Along...

So I got the phone call that I waited for all day yesterday-Dylan made it to church camp and is having a blast. He told me that he was going to be in a Basketball Tournament today, and if anyone knows Dylan-they know that he is much more of a Football player rather than a Basketball player. But hey, as long as he's having fun is A-Okay with me!

Last evening was good. I skipped on tanning as I had a headache and the Pork Chops that my hubby had cooking on the grill smelled way to delish to leave! So, I did some laundry and some cooking to help with dinner, went swimming with Carson and then just chilled on the patio. It was relaxing...which we all need sometimes!

Right now Im taking a break at work. Im so ready to be off for the day. I swear its a Full Moon tonight. We have had the weirdest customers today!!
Come on 5 o'clock!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Camp Masterson

Im new to this "blogging" thing. So forgive me if I royally suck at this!! Im trying to be more open minded on issues in life and therefore decided, what the hey-I'll blog!

So today is Monday-schmunday. I got up early to take Dylan to the church to leave for church camp. I always have gotten emotional after dropping him off, but this year I haven't shed a tear-YET! Our church goes to Camp Masterson, which is near Dumas, TX, about 6 hrs away. He always has a blast and Im really glad of that. Im just a Mom-what can I say. So Im trying to stay busy at work, to not watch the clock. See, Im one of these types of people that think the worst, but hardly ever admit it. I get a upset tummy and have horrible dreams. But always in the end, everything is OK and I feel like a total idiot for even thinking the way I did.

So today I sit here trying to figure out this blog thing, in hopes of making me not watch the clock, and wait for the phone call saying "Im at you...bye Mom!!"

Be prepared-this may be a double blog day!